In Origin, a chilling new original series from the producers of The Crown & Lost, we meet a group of troubled passengers as they wake up on a damaged spaceship abandoned in deep space. Each having left behind a dark past in search of a fresh start on a newly colonised planet, they’re desperate to survive at all costs. But as their terrifying situation spirals into paranoia, they come to realize that the greatest threat to their dream of starting over – and indeed their lives – might actually be within their midst…

Two alums from the Harry Potter movie franchise, Natalia Tena and Tom Felton, along with newcomer Sen Mitsuji, are set to topline Origin, YouTube’s upcoming sci-fi thriller series. Paul W.S. Anderson (Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, AVP: Alien vs. Predator) is directing the first two episodes of the show, from The Crown and Outlander producers Left Bank Pictures, Midnight Radio (CBS’ Zoo), CiTVC and Sony Pictures Television International Productions. Nora Arnezeder, Fraser James, Philipp Christopher, Madalyn Horcher, and Siobhán Cullen round out the series regular cast.

Created, written and exec produced by Mika Watkins, the 10-episode series follows a group of strangers who find themselves stranded on a spacecraft bound for a distant planet. The abandoned passengers must work together for survival, but quickly realize that one of them is far from who they claim to be.


Photo: Katja Kuhl